The Scottish Parliament's think-tank

Review of Session 5

Painted map of Scotland inscribed with text from UN Convention on the Rights of the ChildPainted map of Scotland inscribed with text from UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, produced by pupils from St Paul's RC High School in Glasgow and its feeder primary schools as part of our Scotland 2030 Programme

Scotland’s Futures Forum is the Scottish Parliament’s futures think-tank. Our work is designed to inform MSPs and enable them to consider the effects of decisions taken today on Scotland’s long-term future.

In the fifth session of the Scottish Parliament, from May 2016 to March 2021, we fulfilled our remit to promote research and to stimulate debate on the long-term challenges and opportunities that Scotland faces.

We worked with partners both inside and outside the Parliament to create spaces for long-term thinking. We brought technologists together with artists, academics with authors, and parliamentarians with leading thinkers from Scotland and beyond.

This review covers the major pieces of our work from this session.

Scotland's Futures Forum